What are common Linux commands ?
List of Common Linux commands
Linux is most commonly used operating system. below is the cheat sheet for commonly used Linux commands.
Linux is most commonly used operating system. below is the cheat sheet for commonly used Linux commands.
[options] pattern [filenames]
Search files or output for a
particular pattern.
cat [filename]
Display file’s contents.
cd /directorypath
Change to directory.
chmod [options like -R] mode
Change a file’s permissions.
chown [options like -R]
Change who owns a file.
Clear a command line screen.
cp [options like -R] source
Copy files and directories.
date [options]
Display or set the system
date and time.
df [options like -h]
Display used and available
disk space.
du [options like -s]
Show how much space each file
takes up.
file [options] filename
Determine what type of data
is within a file.
find [pathname] [expression]
Search for files matching a
provided pattern.
grep [options] pattern
Search files or output for a
particular pattern.
Shows detail about user
logged-Id including UID and Groups assigned.
kill [options] pid
Stop a process. If the
process refuses to stop, use kill -9 pid.
less [options] [filename]
View the contents of a file
one page at a time.
ln [options like -s] source
Create a shortcut which is
called symlink.
locate filename
Search a copy of your file
system for the specified filename.
lpr [options]
Send a print job.
ls [options like -lrt]
List directory contents.
man [command]
Display the help information
for the specified command.
mkdir [options] directory
Create a new directory.
mv [options] source
Rename or move file(s) or
passwd [name [password]]
Change the password or allow
(System administrator) to change any password.
ps [options]
Display a snapshot of the
currently running processes.
Display the pathname for the
current directory.
rm [options like -rf]
Remove (delete) file(s)
and/or directories.
rmdir [options] directory
Delete empty directories.
ssh [options] user@machine
Remotely log in to another
Linux machine, over the network. Close an ssh session by typing exit.
su [options] [user
Switch to another user
tail [options] [filename]
Display the last n lines of a file (the default is 10).
tar [options] filename
Store and extract files from
a tarfile (.tar) or tarball (.tar.gz or .tgz).
Displays the resources being
used on your system. Press q to exit.
touch filename
Create an empty file with the
specified name.
who [options]
Display who is logged on i.e.
which user.
Scp [options]
Copies file/directory to
other Linux machine
Tags: Linux, operating system
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