How to start oracle database ?

Starting the Oracle Database

There are certain ways to start oracle database like:
  • Using SQLPLUS
  • Using Oracle Enterprise manager (If DB is configured with EM)
  • Using Oracle Grid/cloud control (If DB is configured with GC)
Windows Database Start Up

1. Logon to the database server as the administrator/OS user2. To start the database instance, go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.
2. Scroll down to the service for the Listener and start listener on right click
3. Scroll down to the service for the database, for example: OracleServiceORCL
4. Right click and select Start. A dialog box appears showing the progress of the start-up and after a few seconds it will disappear.
The database instance service is now started.
5. Start a command window (Start -> Run -> type cmd) from which to start the database itself.
6. Issue the command to check that the ORACLE_SID is set to the correct value:
echo %ORACLE_SID% (If not then set correct ORACLE_HOME value)
NOTE: Expected output is ―ORCL
7. Connect to the database:
sqlplus / as sysdba
8. Typically the database will start automatically when the instance service is started .
If for some reason the database is not started, enter the following command:

Linux Database Start Up

1. Logon to the database server as the administrator/OS user
2. To start the database instance, go to Terminal and set below environment variable if already not.
 On Bash shell,
export  ORACLE_HOME=<ORACLE_HOME value like /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2/db_1>
export ORACLE_SID=<DB Name like orcl>
3. Start listener
lsnrctl start <Listerner_name> (not requiered if listener name is LISTENER
4. Then connect to database
sqlplus / as sysdba OR Sqlplus sys/<pwd>@<TNS> as sysdba
4.enter the following command:

Then it will connect you to SQL> prompt after database is in OPEN mode.

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